Granting User Notifications

The Catalog Agent by default sends notifications when an app is installed of updated. macOS requires user consent when an application wants to show alerts or notifications in the macOS Notification Center. Administrators may want to auto-approve notifications for the Catalog App using a Configuration Profile for optimal user transparency. Most MDM solutions provide the Notifications payload from the Apple MDM framework.

Below is an example of a notification:

Bundle Identifier

The Bundle Identifier for allowing notifications is nl.root3.catalog.agent


It is suggested to configure persistent notifications so users don't miss an update notification. Below is an example Configuration Profile:

Notifications - App Catalog.mobileconfig

Create Configuration Profile

There are several ways to create a Configuration Profile for allowing or controlling notifications. Your MDM solution may support the payload to easily configure notifications in the user interface. If not, there are tools available that may help you creating a custom profile:

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