User Mode

User Mode in the Catalog App is the user facing mode where apps can be provided to users and allows them to easily install, update apps or disable the app for user interaction. There are primarily four options how the User Mode behaves:

  • All apps: By default, all apps available in the App Catalog are presented

  • Enabled Apps only: Present a curated set of apps using the preference key EnabledApps and optionally Categories.

  • Updates only: Only present available updates and disallow the installation of new apps. This is a ideal scenario to allow users to update apps at the most convenient time for them and use in conjunction with another company app store provided by an MDM solution. Set the key UpdatesOnly to true and make sure DisableAppInstalls is not set to true

  • No apps: Disallow the installation of any app by setting the preference key DisableAppInstalls to true

The Catalog App contains the Catalog Agent and therefore should not be removed. To disable the Catalog App, set DisableAppInstall to true

App details

When an app is clicked, the user can see some app information like description, developer, current version and when it was last updated:

Download Queue

Multiple app installs simultaniously are supported and a spinner indicates the installation is in progress. There is a Download button available in the toolbar with the installation status of all queued apps and which apps are successfully installed:

Clearing apps in the Download view will remove it from the list.


The Catalog App is built using SwiftUI and provides native Accessibility features such as support for VoiceOver and VoiceControl. To provide better navigation and more context to users, enhancements were made to make it even more accessible.

Last updated