Preference Keys - Catalog App

This article describes all available preference keys for the user facing Catalog App, allowing users to install or update applications. This app also includes an admin mode to allow administrators to get app information such as the Bundle Identifier, description and Code Requirement

Preference domain

When creating the Configuration Profile, the preference domain must be set to: nl.root3.catalog


authorization (required)

The authorization key is required for the App Catalog to communicate with the backend service. Required for both the Catalog Agent and Catalog App. You can obtain your authorization key in your Organization.

This key is required for devices to successfully communicate with the App Catalog backend

Key: authorization

Value type: String

Default: -




When set, the apps presented to the user is limited to the Bundle Identifiers set in this key. If this key is not set, all available apps in the App Catalog are presented to the user unless DisableAppInstalls is set to true.

Please note that this key has only effect on app availability in user facing Catalog App and has no impact on which apps are updated. To control update exclusions, use ExcludeAppsUpdate

Key: EnabledApps

Value type: Array of dictionaries

Dictionary value types:

Default: -




Categories can be made available optionally in the user facing Catalog App to provide a more segmented and searchable experience. You can define your own categories and choose a corresponding SF Symbol.

Category names will appear in the sidebar of the app with the SF Symbol next to it. The category name must be assigned to at least one application in EnabledApps to appear in the sidebar.

Key: Categories

Value type: Array of dictionaries

Dictionary value types:

Default: -




Enable the Catalog App for end users but only show available updates. This is especially helpful for users to view app updates and install at a more convenient time. When using this mode, only app updates can be performed and no new app installs are allowed.

Key: UpdatesOnly

Value type: Boolean

Default: false




Disable the installation of apps for users in the Catalog App. The user will see the message with optionally the organization logo:

"Your organisation does not allow to install additional apps, please contact your IT administrator"

Key: DisableAppInstalls

Value type: Boolean

Default: false



Logo to show within the user facing Catalog App. The logo will appear in the sidebar and in other messages shown. The string can be set to a URL, local file path or SF Symbol with various color options. Check Branding for more information about customizing the Catalog App.

Use LogoDark for an alternative logo when Dark Mode is enabled.

Key: Logo

Value type: String

Default: -




Logo to show within the user facing Catalog App when Dark Mode is enabled. The logo will appear in the sidebar and in other messages shown. The string can be set to a URL, local file path or SF Symbol with various color options. Check Branding for more information about customizing the Catalog App.

If Logo is set and LogoDark is not, Logo will be used for Dark Mode as well.

Key: LogoDark

Value type: String

Default: -




Set a custom color to use across the app instead of the macOS accent color. For example, sidebar icons and the install buttons will be use this color. Set the color using the HEX code in RGB format, a '#' immediately followed by six hexadecimal characters(0-9, A-F).

Key: CustomColor

Value type: String

Default: -




This can be configured to show a title in the Catalog App sidebar right under the logo (if configured). You can configure this title to your organization's name or another title that makes sense to the user.

Key: SidebarTitle

Value type: String

Default: -


<string>Acme Inc.</string>


This can be configured to show a subtitle right under the value set for SidebarTitle. You can configure this subtitle to give more context on the application or a slogan.

Key: SidebarSubtitle

Value type: String

Default: -


<string>Company App Store</string>


This can be used to enforce the application mode in the Catalog App. Set this key explicitely to enforce a certain application mode. More information can be found here: Applications modes

Key: AdminMode

Value type: Boolean

Default: false



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