Preference Keys - Catalog Agent

This article describes all available preference keys for the App Catalog Agent, responsible for installing and updating apps.

Preference domain

When creating the Configuration Profile, the preference domain must be set to: nl.root3.catalog


authorization (required)

The authorization key is required for the App Catalog to communicate with the backend service. Required for both the Catalog Agent and Catalog App. You can obtain your authorization key in your Profile.

Key: authorization

Value type: String

Default: -




By default, the update schedule will not perform updates if the Mac is connected to a Personal Hotspot or another expensive or constrained network, such as when Low Data Mode is enabled. Updating apps can be an expensive network activity and not desirable while using cellular data or when bandwidth is limited. Enabling this setting will overrule this behaviour and always update, regardless of the network type.

Key: AllowUpdatesContrainedNetworks

Value type: Boolean

Default: false




Delay rules allow granular control over which updates are delayed and for how many days. These rules can be very simple or very complex, based on your needs. Rules are evaluated from top to bottom in the Configuration Profile. The first rule that matches an app's Bundle ID will be applied. More information: Delaying app updates

Key: DelayAppUpdates

Value type: Array of dictionaries

Dictionary value types:

  • BundleID (required): String, a valid app Bundle Identifier (Get an app Bundle Identifier) or wildcard.

  • Days (required): Integer, number of days to delay.

Default: -


Delay all app updates for 3 days:



By default, all installed apps are checked against apps in the App Catalog and updated as part of the update schedule. To exclude apps from the update schedule, add all the Bundle Identifiers from to this preference.

Key: ExcludeAppsUpdate

Value type: Array of strings

Default: -




By default, update notifications are displayed to the end user. Setting this key to false disables update notifications.

Key: HideUpdateNotifications

Value type: Boolean

Default: false




The preference key MandatoryApps enables you to configure a set of apps (Bundle IDs) that must always be installed on a device. An enforcement system checks these apps hourly and reinstalls them if they’re removed. This feature simplifies device enrollment and the initial installation of apps without dependencies from the MDM solution other than a Configuration Profile. It especially simplifies deployments using MDM solutions like Microsoft Intune. More information: Mandatory Apps

Key: MandatoryApps

Value type: Array of strings

Default: -

Availability: macOS 14+




By default, app installs or updates will generate a user notification in Notification Center. This notifications contains an optional title shown at the top of the notification. You can configure this title to your organization's name or another title that makes sense to the user.

Key: NotificationTitle

Value type: String

Default: -


<string>Acme Inc.</string>


You can create multiple Configuration Profiles and configure a reference for each. Using a reference will shows results for the computers associated with this reference in the App Catalog Dashboard.

Key: Reference

Value type: String

Default: -




The App Catalog has an integration with TeamViewer Host to apply your organization's custom configuration. To use this integration, the unique Configuration ID from the TeamViewer Management Console. Check Get TeamViewer Configuration ID for instructions how to get this value.

Key: TeamViewerHostID

Value type: String

Default: -




The App Catalog has an integration with TeamViewer QuickSupport to apply your organization's custom configuration. To use this integration, the unique Configuration ID from the TeamViewer Management Console. Check Get TeamViewer Configuration ID for instructions how to get this value.

Key: TeamViewerQuickSupportID

Value type: String

Default: -




This key allows you to customize the maximum number of deferrals if an application requires user interaction to start the update.

Key: UpdateDeferrals

Value type: Integer

Default: 3




This key enables an automatic update schedule to update all available app updates. When configured to 1 or higher, the update schedule will run every X days. More info is available here: Updating Apps

Key: UpdateInterval

Value type: Integer

Default: -

Availability: macOS 13+



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